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Asked by: anonymous Country: United States Category: Google Tag Manager Date: 16-Jan-2025 Answers: 1 Status: Open

Question: Shopify Customer Events datalayer not firing in Browser console



I am testing Shopify Customer Events gtm datalayer for GA4 ecommerce tracking. Everything is done correctly but I do not see the data layer firing in the Browser console. Can you please help.


Reply by: Admin Country: India Date: 20-Jan-2025 Is best reply: No

Reply: Shopify Customer Events data layer is added in the Sandbox environment.

Shopify started adding the GTM data layer in the Sandbox for security reasons. GTM should not be able to access the website content using DOM.

To check the data layer firing on the page, you need to go to the Browser's console. Then, you see a dropdown "top" in the top left (Chrome). From this dropdown, select "wep-pixel-Sandbox-CUSTOM-12132323" (some number) and then type "dataLayer" in the input box at the bottom. You will be able to see the data later fired on this page. You need to repeat the same steps for each page load.

I hope this helps.

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